Libro delle firme per la mostra IL CORAGGIO Illegio 2024
Ho il piacere di presentarvi un lavoro di fine artigianato artistico, realizzato con antiche tecniche pittoriche per la prestigiosa mostra di Illegio, curata dall’Associazione Culturale Comitato di San Floriano e in particolare da Don Alessio Geretti.
Si tratta del prezioso libro delle firme, di committenza privata, interamente realizzato a mano con materiali pregiati e impreziosito da una serie di miniature ad acquerello in punta di pennello e dorature su carta fatta a mano in lino, canapa e cotone, il volume, rilegato in pelle dalle sapienti mani di Paola Mattiuzzo, titolare della Legatoria Ciani, è stato da me impreziosito con un decoro a smalto, così come il suo segnalibro.
I am pleased to present you a work of fine artistic craftsmanship, made with ancient painting techniques for the prestigious exhibition of Illegio, curated by the Cultural Association Committee of San Floriano and in particular by Don Alessio Geretti.
It is the precious book of signatures, privately commissioned, entirely handmade with precious materials and embellished with a series of watercolor miniatures and gilding on handmade paper in linen, hemp and cotton, the volume, bound in leather by the skilled hands of Paola Mattiuzzo, owner of the Ciani Bookbindery, it was embellished by me with an enamel decoration, as well as his bookmark.
It is the precious book of signatures, privately commissioned, entirely handmade with precious materials and embellished with a series of watercolor miniatures and gilding on handmade paper in linen, hemp and cotton, the volume, bound in leather by the skilled hands of Paola Mattiuzzo, owner of the Ciani Bookbindery, it was embellished by me with an enamel decoration, as well as his bookmark.